How to Wear a Lace Front Wig

by Per Star on June 23, 2020

Use the Right Adhesive

When it comes to knowing how to secure a lace front wig, using the proper type of glue is key. Look for one that's specifically formulated to secure lace fronts. Before you try a new adhesive for the first time, do a patch test to ensure you're not allergic to the glue you're using. If you plan to swim in your wig, you'll need a waterproof adhesive. You can also use double-sided tape to attach your wig if you know you only plan to wear it for a couple of days.

 How to Wear a Lace Front Wig

Secure Your Natural Hair

You can braid longer lengths to your scalp to create a flat surface, or if your hair is short, you can wrap it. Make sure all of your own hair is secured before applying any adhesive—you don't want to mess this part up, because a bad foundation is going to make the rest difficult.


Take Care of Your Hair

If you only wear your wig a week or so at a time, you can feasibly skip shampooing and conditioning until you remove it. Long-term wear, however, requires routine care so that your natural hair doesn't become dry and brittle. After cleansing your hair and scalp, thoroughly dry your tresses using a hood or bonnet dryer to avoid bacterial growth.


Learn more about human hair wig, please visit Perstar Hair.