Tips On How To Maintain Your Lace Wigs

by Per Star on July 21, 2020

You should avoid exposing your lace wig to dire heat just like you do with your other hairs. This is because direct heat will damage the wig’s ends which will dry out your cuticles. You should never place your wig near a fire, heat vent or over other sources of heat since the hair can easily get damaged.

 Tips On How To Maintain Your Lace Wigs

Thus, when wearing a lace wig, it is advisable to avoid sitting close to a fire, and neither should you use a hair dryer for your lace wig. Using a hair dryer will cause your hair to dry out which could cause irreversible damage.


Comb the Hair Gently Just like you would comb your hair gently, so should you comb the lace wig. You need to be cautious when combing the hair on the lace wig to avoid shedding and thinning. Moreover, a sudden force on the hair can cause it to dislocate and loosen from its lace base. Thus, when combing your lace wig, start from the tip up while ensuring that you don’t get too close to the base.


Learn more about human hair wigs,please visit Perstar Hair.